Via Stradivari 6, 39100 Bolzano, Italy
0471 060300
0471 060333

Christimas tree with macramè boho #3312

With the My Macramè Boho you can make beautiful creations only by hand, without the need for tools. With our new green color we could not resist by creati this beautiful christmas tree with wooden spheres. Have fun with our new tutorial and try your hand at creative projects! Watch the video tutorial below to see the step-by-step instructions!

108076-22 Yarn macramü boho, 1 ball
838-01 Wooden hemisphere Ø 15mm 6mm, 8 pieces
3923-43 Wooden snowflake, 1 piece
745382-01 Jute thread Ø 0,5mm natural

Cut 10 pieces of macramé, the first four 120cm long, and the remaining 100cm.
Cut 2 pieces of jute thread, one of 80cm to use for hanging the tree and the other one 40cm to use for the trunk


Scissors, pins, My Macramè Board, thread, narrow comb

Tuesday July 12th, 2022