Via Stradivari 6, 39100 Bolzano, Italy
0471 060300
0471 060333


Open days

Every year we invite all our retailers to the open days in Bolzano. During this occasion we present our products novelties, offer workshops to learn new techniques and realize various creative projects and exchange opinions and ideas. Customers also have the opportunity to visit the company and make purchases. This is a event for sales representatives and not for private customers.


We are attending Europe’s most important specialized fairs in the creativity sector, the “Creativeworld” in Frankfurt and the “h + h” in Cologne. At our stand we show the main novelties and make demonstrations of new creative techniques. These international fairs are a also great opportunity to meet our partners and clients.

Next dates

25.05.2025-26.05.2025: Open days at Stafil in Bolzano, Italy

Next dates

07.02.2025-10.02.2025: Creativeworld Frankfurt
07.03.2025 – 09.03.2025: h+h – Cologne