Via Stradivari 6, 39100 Bolzano, Italy
0471 060300
0471 060333

Face Stockinet Dolls #3275

Have fun creating beautiful dolls with our new fabric faces! Each doll can have a different expression! This way your creations will always be different and never ordinary!

Materials big doll Stefy:
240128-03 velvet fabric 50x68cm grey – 21x68cm:
(15x68cm for the skirt and 6x21cm for the cape)
250088-1 Tulle ribbon glitter 10cm white:
(2m for the skirt e 1mx2cm for the cape)
747068-01 tube 30x8cm velour white:
(30 cm for the body and 2 cuts of 2,5cmx12,5cm for the arms)
4471-021 face stockinette fab. Ø 13cm stefy
802-52 styrofoam bell Ø 13xh17cm
801-06 styrofoam-ball Ø 6cm
799-04 cushioning cotton 50g
150119-34 wool filzi g.50g/50m 34 sand melange:
for the hair make a 50cm skein for 9 turns, for a total of 9m
381477-924 velvet ribbon 12022 – 7mm for bow, hair and necklace 30cm
380904-30 ribbon 22355 s.doubl.face 16mm 30 silver 60cm
1350-70 mini flower x24 – 11cm white 2 bouquets

Small doll Mery:
240128-01 velvet fabric 50x68cm white – 18x50cm:
(12x50cm for the skirt e 6x20cm for the shawl)
747064-01 plushy tube 30x8cm white:
(for the body + 2,5x7cm for the arms)
250077-2 tulle ribbon 10cm cream 1m
150119-37 wool filzi g.50g/50m 37 coffee melange:
for the hair make a 30cm skein for 6 turns, for a total of 3,60m
802-51 styrofoam bell Ø 11,5xh9cm
801-04 styrofoam-ball Ø 4cm
4472-011 face stockinette fab. Ø 7,5cm mery x3
799-04 cushioning cotton 50g
380904-23 ribbon 22355 s.doubl.face 16mm 30 natural 60cm
1350-70 mini flower x24 – 11cm white 2 bouquets

Needle, crocht needle, thread, hot glue gun, ruler and scissor.


Friday January 14th, 2022